Reduce the Snoring thats keeps you awake!
Clinically Proven to Reduce Snoring! FDA 510k Cleared!
100% Guaranteed or Your money Back!

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More than 80 million Americans snore - 65% are men and 35% are women. There are many reasons for snoring - allergies, colds, over work, stress, smoking, dry air, deviated septum, tonsils, and medications.
Clinical tests conducted at a major medical sleep disorder research center concluded that the Silent Snooz® Snoring Aid significantly reduced snoring in greater than 85% of the people.

Fight 2nd Hand Snoring™

Heavy snore problems lead to restless nights and fragmented sleep.
Partner's snore problems often upset normal sleep, rest fullness and emotions.

Sleeping with one who won't stop snoring loudly can wreak havoc on those seeking restful, peaceful, snore free sleep. Snoring's been the #1 reported cause of spousal sleep-deprivation according to a study conducted by the Harris Poll in Jan 04. Few are immune to non stop snoring.

Awakening 23 Times an Hour is No Fun and Games

A Mayo Clinic study of couples with snoring problems, found that non snoring partners lose an average of 1hr's sleep each night from their partners snore problems. Over a week, that adds up to a significant cumulative sleep deficit that affects career performance and personal relationships. Researchers found that non-snorers are awakened by the snore problems on an average of 23 times an hour throughout the night producing fragmented and less deep sleep.

INCREDIBLE SCENTS ® Brand and SILENT SNOOZ® are Registered Trademarks of Incredible Scents, Inc. 877-233-9438